Our values
The ability to listen and to hear; internecine communication (support, assistance, care); empathy – understanding of other people’s feelings.
Establishment of high aims; reach for success; moving ahead even when not everything succeeds from the first time; evocation of aspiration of other people.
Search for solutions; solving of aroused problems in the most optimum ways; generation of ideas and suggestions; interest to solve the aroused problems interesting and evolving other persons.
Knowing how to work and what to do (believe in ourselves); passing of rational decisions; performance of the work to the end; directing of actions to the established goal; stability of emotions and rational thinking.
Self-analysis; self-development; ability to learn from mistakes without repeating them; fast orientation in extreme situations.
Believe in the company and the products (services) the company works with; recommendation of the company to other people as a place of work; provision of true information about the company and correction of misleading information; ability to feel responsible for all results achieved by the company.